Hi, I’m Edwin 👋I'm a maker that loves to building & tinkering with things. Let's build great things together.
I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember. As a child, I spent a great deal of time drawing trains, robots, and whatever came to my mind at the time. That would continue as I got older as I experimented with other mediums such as music, cooking, and coding. The act of transforming ideas and thoughts into something physical is incredibly gratifying and beautiful!
This love for creating is still very much vibrant in my life and is a part of my DNA. And I'd love to share with you things I've had a hand in creating wither is about software, cooking, writing, or something entirely different!
Got some cool ideas you'd like to work on together with me? I'd love to hear from you! Toss me a email at emak@hey.com.